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A Kiss For The Petals: The New Generation!

The girls of Saint Michael's annex have always admired and looked up to lovely young ladies of the main campus. So naturally, they blossom with newfound excitement when they hear of the main campus' Best Couples poll. Though eager to cast their votes, it also makes them wonder--who are the Best Couples of the annex? This brand-new title in the Petals franchise introduces a trio of new couples with love blooming in the air.


At the Saint Michael Girls' School.. festivities erupted among the girls of the annex. The reason for their celebration is the Best Couples poll being held at the main campus. The students at the annex, who look up to the girls from the main campus, decided, 'Let's have our own Best Couples!'
..It was always inevitable.
And so, the fairest and most intimate couples were nominated..

The first couple is a pair of childhood friends, Misawa Nagisa and Takahata Rina.The second couple is a pair of twin sisters, Kimishima Ai and her younger sister Aya.And finally.. The transfer student who saw this whole thing as no concern of hers, Onohara Hazuki, is shocked to hear that she too, was chosen to be among the Best Couples.

Moreover, her partner is the sheltered young debutante, Suoh Manami.Actually, Hazuki has secretly been crushing on the impeccable Manami..But the truth is, they're far from a couple, and while their classmates may cheer them on, it's all in vain.

  • Himawari tells a tale of love, tragedy, and sacrifice played out on two stages – Earth, and outer space. Enter Hinata Youichi, a young high school student and sole survivor of a tragic spaceplane crash that robbed him of both his family and memories roughly two years prior.
  • Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o - Shirayuki no Kishi: Type: Partial, patch, unofficial: Language: English: Publication. English partial patch covers the trial.

But then.. Hazuki works up all her courage to ask Manami to become a 'Best Couple' with her, and..

I have a question just a question. Always not be able to run the game sono hanabira maidens of michael with a language pack in English or Spanish that I searched the game in those two languages and only have it in Japanese or when a language pack was launched to English Please somebody answer.


A Couple From Different Social Classes..
Onohara Hazuki

Voiced by Tanaka Lili

Strong and kind, popular as a real 'girl's girl.' That personality of hers is all just an act, though..

'The truth is, I was pretty unimpressive at my old school, so as soon as I had the opportunity to transfer, I jumped at the chance.'Suoh Manami

Voiced by Shiina Amane

A naturally refined lady with an air of grace, she's the kind of girl people want to protect.Her beauty and parentage, along with her elegant manner, have garnered her many fans.

'For something to steal your attention so fully and refuse to let it go.. well.. it makes me envious.'
A Pair of Twins Against The World..
Kimishima Aya

Voiced by Yuzuki Sachi

Ai's younger twin sister, a tsundere girl with a cheerful personality.She grew up lower-class, so she's having a hard time fitting in with the refined girls of St. Michael's.

'You know, a whole lot of the girls at this school, Ai included, seem to have a real problem knowing when to show restraint.'Kimishima Ai

Voiced by Tsubakino Nao

Aya's older twin sister, the class mascot with a catlike personality.She's always clinging to Aya, perhaps the result of a severe sister complex?

'We once shared a single cell.. We're a pair of twins against the world..'
A Couple Whose Feelings Are At Odds..
Takahata Rina

Voiced by Ayase Tomari

A transcendent beauty with porcelain skin and golden hair.She's a kissing fiend who will proclaim her childhood friend Nagisa to be her BFF, and kiss her regardless of the time or place.

'Thanks to your interference, our kiss is ruined now! What do you intend to do about it?!'Misawa Nagisa

Voiced by Mikazuki Ichika

A half-Japanese ace of the track and field club.Her childhood friend Rina has her wrapped around her little finger, and Nagisa can't help but coddle her.

'That's why.. As long as you don't mind, Hazuki-san, I'd like it if you would be Rina's friend.'


Chapter 1: My Little Sister's Bad Habit
Chapter 2: My Bad Habit
Chapter 5: An Out-of-Season Transfer Student
Chapter 6: Hazuki of All People Should Know

Note: Chapters five and six contain spoilers for the main game, so it is highly recommended that you play the game before reading.

Chapter 6 - Hazuki of All People Should Know..

*The following contains spoilers for the main game, so it is highly recommended that you play it before reading.

I decided to say something that had been on my mind for a while.

Do you think it was all just a sham?

What, specifically, I neglected to mention.

I figured Hazuki should be able to tell what I meant.

Actually, I expected Hazuki of all people should know.

What was a sham?
..You disappoint me..
Wait, what? Did I say something wrong?
I'm just disappointed to find out we can't tell what the other is thinking..
Whoa, first you ask me something out of nowhere, then you hit me with that.. You're awful.
But it's that cruelty that you love about me.
Yeah, maybe..♡
You masochist.

..She was genuinely giddy.

She really was a mystery to me.

Huh?! Don't tell me you hate masochist girls! Are you going to dump me because of that?
I don't hate you, and I'm not dumping you. Geeze, you're such a pain..
Do you not like girls who are a pain..?
How many times do I have to say it?
Right, sorry..

Whenever I tried to engage her, her negativity could be set off by the strangest things, so I always had to be on my guard.

So, back to our conversation, what was a sham? You mean your facade?
Hahaha, don't make that face. I mean, you're cute when you pout too, but..♡
..I'm doing nothing of the sort.
Yeah you are, see?
Hey, don't poke my cheek!
Eeee♡ Manami's angry~
You know, talking with you can be really exhausting sometimes..
But not as exhausting as playing a wolf in sheep's clothing, right?

Sono Hanabira English Patch Filler

That facade is the secret to my success. It's not the sort of thing you tire of.
That may be, but I think somewhere deep down you're tired of it all.
That's why you wanted to be with me, so you wouldn't need to fake who you were.
Wh— You think pretty highly of yourself.
But the fact of the matter is, you're more at ease when I'm around.
You know, you really annoy me sometimes.
Hehehe, I'm sorry.
I'll make it up to you with a kiss♡ *smooch*♡
..Well, I guess you're good for something, at least.
It's a tremendous honor to receive your praise.
..You really do piss me off. I'm gonna remember this later.

Chapter 5 - An Out-of-Season Transfer Student

*The following contains spoilers for the main game, so it is highly recommended that you play it before reading.

Right after the summer break, we had a transfer student join us out of season.

A broad grin was spread across her familiar face.

She introduced herself as Onohara Hazuki, and took the empty seat next to me, as our homeroom teacher instructed.

It's a pleasure to meet you.
No, the pleasure is all mine. If there's anything I can help you with, please don't hesitate to ask.
I will, thank you. I hope we get along.

She hadn't said, 'Let's get along, okay?' but, 'I hope we get along.'

There was no sign of worry in either her expression, or her outstretched hand.

Seeing that confident smile of hers in person made my heart skip a beat.

I remembered our exchange from the night before.

So hey, what do I do if I don't fit in with my new class?! What should I do if people tease me?!

I couldn't really remember how I'd answered.

Probably something like, 'If you don't fit in, worry about it then.'

Or, 'If you get teased, just tease them right back.'

I probably just gave some random response that was half-appropriate (or at least sounded like it).

Um.. Suoh-san, right? Is there something on my face?
Not at all, you simply have the typical two eyes, nose, and a mouth.
Haha, you're surprisingly funny for someone so pretty, Suoh-san.
I'd love it if we could become good friends♡

That carefree, smiling face.

She was a transfer student, so I realized she couldn't possibly know anything about me or my family.

But.. But even so, it had been who knows how long since anyone at school had shown me such an innocent-looking smile.

It was so refreshing to see someone smile in my direction without any ulterior motives of trying to charm me, or any intention of trying to ingratiate themselves with the daughter of the Suoh family.

Yes.. I would like that as well.

She grasped my hand tightly, and the transfer student's cheeks turned bright red.

Is something the matter?
Well.. it may be a little weird for me to tell you this myself, but..'s just kind of embarrassing having someone as pretty as you say they'd like to be my friend.
Oh my.. Hazuki-san..

Her incredible honestly took me surprisingly off guard.

There weren't many people close to the Suoh family who would speak so sincerely, or say whatever was on their mind.

If I hadn't been so accustomed to dealing with people online, my confusion probably would've been written all over my face.

Waaah~ I could just die..
I just can't believe you called me 'Hazuki-san' on the very first day we met.. I'm so th-th-th-thrilled♡

..She was as interesting as always.

The lack of worthwhile people around me was precisely why I had taken to conversing online.

I'd already had my fill of boring people.

I got excited thinking about what kind of entertainment this girl would offer me throughout my school years.

I'm grateful to have made you so happy, but it is the custom of St. Michael's for people to address one another by their given names.
Oh, really?
So please, call me Manami.


Just when I thought she was about to feel dejected, she suddenly started grinning like crazy.

I love this custom!

..She really was a weirdo.

I could only describe myself as lucky to have this oddball as a classmate, let alone sitting next to me.

Now, what sort of amusement are you going to provide?

I flashed her a grin and Hazuki-san blushed awkwardly..

But she smiled happily right back at me. /dark-souls-3-114-patch-download.html.

Chapter 4 - Now Kiss Me

I gazed from the school building at the practice field.

My little elf was running around full of energy, as always.

I opened the window and leaned out as far as I could, waving enthusiastically.


I'm not sure whether she just heard my voice, or actually got my message, but she looked back over her shoulder.

Nagisa waved back at me across the great distance.

She looked like she was trying to tell me something, but of course I had no idea what she was saying.

Too bad.

I brought you luuuuunch~!!

I hadn't had much opportunity since the last time, but at long last I'd managed to make her lunch again.

It finally happened this morning!

I cheerfully sprinted out to the practice field, headed straight for Nagisa.

Rina, stop! You'll trip again!

I dove at her as she stood there, waiting with her arms out wide.

I won't trip, silly.

I wouldn't trip. And even if I did, it would've been all right.

Today's lunchbox was a Tupperware container with a lid that wouldn't pop off so easily, even if it was turned sideways.

I'd come to realize how hard it was to walk while carrying a regular multi-tiered lunchbox.

Nagisa gently caught me as I leapt into her with a soft cry.

I want you to hurry up and taste it, okay♡
Aww.. Thank you! Just what I was hoping for!

..Did she mean me? Or the lunch?

Well, either way was fine, I guess.

She probably meant both anyway.

Hey, president! I'm going to go eat this food Rina brought me!

The club president shooed us away with her hand.

Walking hand-in-hand, Nagisa and I made our way to the central courtyard.

Not many people here were here on a Saturday.. It was perfect♡

We sat down under the shade of a nearby tree and laid out the lunch.

Wow, it looks so good♡
I made it with the help of our newest hired hand♡
Really.. Is it okay to go ahead and eat?
Eat all you want♡

I couldn't get enough of that grin of hers.

Using her delicate fingers, Nagisa picked up the food I had just fried this morning.

She parted her pink lips and bit down with her pearly white teeth..

..Rina, did you taste this?

Sono Hanabira English Patch Download


I was greeted by a gritty, sand-like texture, followed by cavity-inducing sweetness, and eye-watering heat..

It looks like you used sugar instead of salt.. I think you used too much pepper, too.

Her voice was so calm.

Nnnnh, I couldn't even look her in the eye!

But, I mean it's still edible.. probably.

Nagisa munched away as tears started to well up in my eyes.

You don't have to eat it! You'll get sick if you do!!
It's fine. I'll take anything you make for me.
Actually, I'm the one who's worried.
You're always all smiles.. It makes me worry I'm not a very good friend to you.

So that was how Nagisa felt.

After all, I was always in a good mood, so even I knew what a cheerful and sparkling personality I had.

As long as it makes you happy, I don't care if you added too much pepper, or used sugar instead of salt.
What I mean is, I'm happy knowing I'm the only one who gets to eat your creative bombs.

Joy welled up in my chest and spread to my outer extremities.

Aww, I was so hopeless.. I was unbelievably happy right now..♡

But I'd appreciate it if next time you could taste test it first..
Being able to eat a tasty lunch while seeing your smiling face would make it all the more delicious.
I will, I'll do it, I'll do anything you say!
Then it's a deal. Now kiss me.
A deal it is.. *smooch*♡

Chapter 3 - Rina's Elf

I gazed from the school building at the members of the track and field club training on the practice field.

It was the shape of my little elf in particular that had my attention.

Nagisa is the greatest♡
Ahh, the way those slender legs of hers extend like a gazelle's is like poetry in motion!
And it's more than just her legs. Her slender body is unbelievably dashing, and cute to boot!
And it's more than just her looks. I love what's on the inside every bit as much♡
I hope she likes the lunch I made for her..
Oh, she looked at me♡
Nagisaaaa~~~~~! Great job at practice!! I brought you a little something!

Nagisa turned away with an uncomfortable look on her face.

Aww, she embarrassed so easily♡

I started to race toward her..



..and tripped over my own two feet.

Rina, are you all right?! Did you hurt yourself?!
Hnnh.. I'm all right..
But.. your lunch.. The lunch I worked so hard to make for you..
Who cares about that? You aren't injured, are you? Does anything hurt?

Nagisa, never one to mince words, focused all her concern on me.

That alone was enough to make me forget all about the pain from my skinned knee.

Sure, she had totally dismissed the lunch I'd poured my heart and soul into making, but that was just how she showed her concern for me.

Nnh.. I'm all right. Don't worry about it, Nagisa.
Sono Hanabira English Patch

She looked so worried.

As she leaned in and closed the distance between us, I gently pecked her on the cheek.

Hey, I'm fine, okay? Don't make that face.
You're fine, so that means you have to k-k-k-kiss me..?!
Your mother once told me that was the best way to convey your feelings to someone.
B-But.. we're in the middle of the practice field..
You don't like it when I kiss you?
It's not that, it's just.. We're talking about two different things here..
So you do like it?
Hngh.. Like I said, we're on the practice field..
Ohhh, Nagisa, why can't you just say how you feel?
Can't you just pretend like no one else is looking when we're being mushy?
..So that means people are looking.
So, can I have another kiss?
I don't think we're having the same conversation here..

Going just by her expression, you'd think she was upset.

But I could tell she wasn't really that upset.

Because when I put my face close to hers, she didn't push me away.

The truth was, she didn't hate it at all.

I'll make you another lunch tomorrow.
Sorry for interrupting your practice.

I quickly took the overturned lunchbox, its contents practically spilling out, and stuffed it back in my bag before rising to my feet again.

..I'd really wanted Nagisa to try it.

I'd gotten up extra early just so I could make it.

The pain in my chest from that was worse than any skinned knee.

What is it?
I'll go too.. to walk you home.
Huh..? But what about your practice?
I'm worried about you. So I'll walk you home.

As I watched her walk away to tell the club president that she was leaving early, all I could think of was how much I liked her.

We'd been raised together, grown up together, and now we were developing feelings together.

The girl I liked could be a little brusque, it was true, but she really was crazy about me.

And because I knew that, I was able to pursue her without fear.

Nagisa took the bag from me that had the ruined lunch in it, and walked slowly alongside me.

She carried not only her own things, but mine as well.

..Sorry for making you carry my things.
It's just to the parking lot. It's not that heavy. I'll make it.
Come on, don't make that face.

She gently brushed my cheek with her hand.

I knew she liked me.

She really liked me.

I wanted to kiss her more than anything right now, but kisses were for consoling, so I had to restrain myself.

It was so hard to let her know how much I liked her.

..What did other girls do in this situation, I wondered.

Chapter 2: My Bad Habit

(Now I've gotten into a bad habit.)
(No.. I'm actually not sure whether this is the sort of thing you would call a habit or not..)
Oh! The water's boiling, Ai!

Aya's smile was so cheerful.

It was enough to make me smile too.

Okay now, we're gonna pour in the boiling water, so be careful not to burn yourself~

And what we were pouring scalding hot water from the electric kettle into.. was cup noodles.

I was always the one nagging Aya about this stuff being poison for you, so it wasn't something I was comfortable doing out in the open.

..and that was how I got caught secretly eating cup noodles myself.

..Hey, doesn't this come with an oil packet or something?
Ugh, this is the problem with you bourgeois.
Only the expensive ones come with a separate oil packet for you to add right before you eat. The stuff I always eat, I get cheap for less than 100 yen. They're real bargain basement cup noodles!
..And they're good?
You think something is good just because it's expensive?
Anyone can find something expensive and good!
But don't you underestimate a commoner's bargain-sense to find something cheap and good!

What the heck was that?

I wanted to have it too, if I could..

You got it? When it comes to stuff to fill your belly, the max you can put down is about 100 yen, plus sales tax!
Sales tax..? I think I've heard them mention that on the news.. right?
What? On the news?
Huh? Aya, what are you making that face for?
Oh, I see, so you don't think I've ever heard of sales tax, is that it?!
Sales tax is something they add on when you check out, like a tip or something, right?
But since tips have vague amounts, and they're not customary in Japanese society, they standardized them at a fixed rate as sales tax.
I at least know that much!
H-Huh? Is that not right..?
..No, that's like, way wrong..
Awww.. But sales tax is just one of those things you pay without realizing it, right?
Because you give the clerk at the store the amount they tell you to pay, and exchange goods for money. That's the model the Japanese shopping system is based on, right?
Haven't you noticed lately that the amount they tell you to pay is more than what's written on the price tag?
The price tag? Aya, do you look at the price of every single thing you buy when you go shopping?
I mean, if you're buying something you want, why would you even care about the price?
You're buying it because you want it, right? So what does the price have to do with it?
..It has everything to do with it..

Aya was looking exhausted.

Huh? But why?

Was I not making sense?

Well, let's just save this discussion for another time. It's almost been three minutes, so let's open them up.

We peeled back the lid, and a mouthwatering aroma poured out.

Mmmm, it smells so good♡
I love this series♡
Aya, can I have a little more of that seafood one?
Sure, here you go. Hey, lemme have a bite of that tomato and chili♡
I haven't given commoner's food enough credit.
I think you're probably right about it being poison, though..
It's fine if it's a slow-acting poison; I'll taint myself with it too. Anything is fine as long as it's with you.
I love you, Aya.

And then, the two of us..

..exchanged numerous kisses with a hint of spice.

Chapter 1: My Little Sister's Bad Habit

(My little sister has a bad habit).
(..Look, she's doing it right now..)

There, bathed in the light of a lamp she had swiped at some point, sat an electric kettle on its base stand.

In that tiny space, holding a plastic bowl in her hand, Aya looked back over her shoulder.

Darn it Aya, you're eating that junk again!
I thought I told you, if you're hungry, just tell the help and they'll make you a midnight snack!
Yeah.. I know, but.. it's like, there are certain things I just have this weakness for, y'know?
No, I don't know!
What I know is that you're sneaking around so you can eat that poison you love so much!
I know it's not good for me, but I just get such strong cravings..

I didn't want to cry, but tears welled up in the corners of my eyes.

How could Aya put that poison in her body?

It didn't matter how many times I told her, 'Stop eating that stuff,' she just never listened.

Things had gotten to the point where she was eating it behind my back now.

The best thing would be if she stopped altogether, but if she was going to eat it no matter what, I wished she would at least do it openly, without all this sneaking around.

..I'm sorry, Ai. I just have a problem telling other people to do something just because I'm a little hungry..
Nnnnnh.. They're not just 'other people,' they're our help.

I quickly wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.

What did I have to say to get through to her..?

I only yelled because I cared about her so much.

I hated the fact that the more I told her, the more it seemed to upset her.

Ai, try to understand. I've spent my whole life living like a regular person, so I've never been in a position to have people to do things for me.
I know in my head that things are different now that I'm living with the Kimishima family, but old habits are hard to break..
That doesn't make any sense to me at all..
Well, it is what it is.. *slurp*

She slurped her noodle broth right in the middle of talking to me!

Didn't she understand?

Didn't she hear a single thing I'd been saying?!

For the last time, stop eating that!
Well, I already finished eating, though. Now I'm just drinking the broth.
You shouldn't be drinking such unhealthy broth full of salt and saturated fat!!

I took away her bowl, which still had a little bit of broth left.

You leave me no choice!

I held my breath and downed the rest of it in one gulp.

Geeze, that's what you get for drinking it all at once.. Are you all right?

Mac osx text speech voices for windows. The way she peered at me with that look of concern on her face made me happy, and I nodded, 'yes.'

..I-I'm fine.
Well, good.

Wah, that look was no fair!

She was too cute!

It made me want to kiss her so baaaad!!!

Well, I'm going to go put this bowl away!
And you, get out of the closet!
..Cup noodles.. are better than I thought..
Maybe it was wrong of me not to hear her out.
Maybe next time I'll get some of my own without telling Aya..


A Kiss For the Petals: The New Generation
Developer:St. Michaels
Release Date:November 25th, 2016
Platform:Windows 7, 8, 10, OSX, Linux
Language:English text, Japanese audio (full voice)
Genre:Yuri, romance
Graphics:1600 x 1200, uncensored
Art:Aida Takanobu
Script:Madoka Madoka
Posted by admin

The first installment of the series, this particular game follows Oda Nanami who is a new freshman in high school. However on the first day, she ends up in an accident in which a senior student from the school comes to her rescue. Ever since that meeting with Matsubara Yuna, Nanami just cannot get her mind off of her and later decides to join the student council. But one day…Nanami catches Yuna doing something very strange, while also calling out Nanami’s name.

[VN] [Ren'Py] Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo 11 Mikaeru no Otome. The game was updated and the patch doesnt. Up working on the official English. A Kiss For The Petals (その花びらにくちづけを Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo) English translations and news.

Sono Hanabira Ni Kuchiduke Wo HCG

See also:

Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o 6: Kuchibiru to Kiss de TsubuyaiteSono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o 3: Anata to Koibito TsunagiSono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o: Anata o Suki na ShiawaseSono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o 4: Itoshisa no PhotographSono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o 2: Watashi no Ouji-samaSono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o: Amakute Hoshikute Torokeru Chuu

(Intro mostly taken from Listless Ink)

Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo (その花びらにくちづけを) began as a simple yuri visual novel that features a really light yuri story. It emphasized the soft romance between two girls and quickly became one of a kind in a world dominated by fetishist and heavy materials. It was also one of the first ecchi visual novel that features purely yuri relationships. Because of its uniqueness, it soon gained widespread popularity not only within the niche, but among many anime fans.

Following the success of the first game, Sono Hanabira quickly expanded into a series of games that all cater to the sweet fluffy side in us. Since its humble beginning, the visual novel series has also prompted several associated artworks, light novels, drama CDs, an artbook, and even an anime adaptation.

Here are some plugs for two colleagues who have done much more to share the greatness of Sono Hanabira with the entire world than I ever could.

Yi-san The woman who introduced me, and many others, to the majesty that is SH. Besides her impeccable SH page, she’s the yuri nation’s fashion guru. She has some neat editorials, anime and manga reviews.

AXYPB: The mysterious creator of the Sono Hanabira international introduction/distribution website, Petals’ Garden. He could bean android or the second coming of Sir Grodus for all I know but what matters is he truly wants to push SH’s awesomeness to the West and beyond Asian borders for all nation members to experience. For all Hanabira intel and updates, give him a buzz.

And now without further ado, here are the reviews:


A Kiss for the Petals 1: Sono Hanabira ni Kichizuke o

A Kiss for the Petals 2: My Dear Prince

Sono Hanabira Ni Kuchizuke Wo: Reo X Mai Diaries

A Kiss for the Petals 3: Joined in Love with You

A Kiss for the Petals 4: Beloved Photograph

Sono Hanabira Ni Kuchizuke Wo: Risa X Miya Gekijou

A Kiss for the Petals 7: Sweet Enchanting Kisses

A Kiss for the Petals 8: Petal Colored Angel

A Kiss for the Petals spin-off: Hanahira!


Sono Hanabira Ni Kuchizuke Wo

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